Thursday, July 16, 2009


Sooo....I recently started writing again and I finished my jordan staal story.
That means that I will have more focus on this story and the other one.
I will try to update sometime soon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Part Three

My eyes went wide with shock and I was speechless. I was completely taken off guard. I tried to compose myself. "I...uh...don't know what your.....erm...talking about." "Oh stop with the bullshit." I didn't say anything because in my mind I was battling between if I should just give in and tell him the truth or if I should keep acting like nothing was going on. I guess I was quiet for too long. "Don't lie to me Aiden." I knew I couldn't lie to him anymore. "I swear to god, if you tell anyone...." He smirked at me. "Oh don't worry your secret is safe with me......for now at least." With that he walked away. I didn't know what to do so I just went and sat down next to Jon. During the rest of the night I tried keeping my mind clear but, somehow I always wound up worrying about Tristyn finding out.

I got home at 12:30 that night. As soon as I walked in the door I texted Patrick.

'We have a problem.'
'...and that is?'

'Burish knows about us.'

'What the fuck are you talking about?'

'Just come over, K?'


As I was sitting on my couch waiting, I heard a light knock on my door. "It's unlocked." I called over in the doors direction. Pat came in, took off his shoes and sat next to me. "Here I brought you some coffee." He smiled and handed me a coffee from Starbuck's. "Thanks." "Okay so Burish knows? How?" "Well I don't know how but, while we were dancing all of a sudden he said he knew about us. I tried to deny it but, he wouldn't buy it. He then went on to tell me that he will keep it secret, for now at least." "For now at least? What is that supposed to mean?" "You're asking me? I have no idea but, we have to do something." "Honestly Aiden what is there to do?" He asked sounding annoyed. "You know what Patrick, I don't know. Maybe we just can't do this anymore." His face looked hurt. He didn't say anything. "I'm not saying that I want this to end because trust me that's not it at all but, like you said what is there to do?" "Aiden I don't know but, we can figure out something." "Pat we don't have time to figure something out. Who knows when he will tell someone. Also Pat, she is your girlfriend and my best friend. You shouldn't be doing this to her. WE shouldn't be doing this to her." "I know, I know. I still want to be with you though." "Pat,I don't want Tristyn to find out. If she found out that would mean you losing your girlfriend and me losing my best friend. Are you willing to do that? Everything will change. I don't even know if I am willing to do that. Is it really worth it?" Once again, he didn't respond. We sat there in silence. Finally he spoke up. "Aright, well let's just act normal like we have been and maybe Burish won't say anything. We don't need to do anything drastic" ".....and if he does?" I asked. "....Then we will deal with it when it comes. But, there is no use worrying about things, we don't even know if he is going to say anything for sure." "Yeah, I guess." "Just don't worry about it babe." "Fine." He pulled me into him and kissed me on my forehead." I laid out on the couch and put my head in his lap. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up Pat wasn't there. I got up and looked at the clock. It was 5:00 am, I had slept for two hours. I went into my bedroom and there was a note on my pillow.


Sorry I had to leave, Tristyn is stopping by around 8:00 before she goes to work. I will call you later.

Love you,


I decided to take a quick shower and go back to sleep.

Next time I woke up it was 10:00. I figured it was safe to text Pat, considering Tristyn was going to be at work.

'Hey babe, what's up?"

'Jst getting ready to go to practice, wanna come?'

'Yeah, lemme jst get ready.'

'K ill be over in a lil bit to pick you up.'

I turned on the shower. While waiting for the water to warm up and I went over to my closet to pick out something to wear. I grabbed my dark washed skinny Hollister jeans, a white tank top, and a Blackhawks sweatshirt. I had one with 'Kane' on the back, and one with 'Toews'. I almost grabbed Pat's but I decided it would be less obvious if I wore Jon's.

As I walked out of the shower I felt a pair of arms around me. Pat said nothing as he trailed kisses down my neck. He took off his pants while backing me into my room. He pushed me down onto my bed and got on top of me. I slightly parted my legs asking for entrance. He quickly obliged. After our little rendezvous, I got ready and we left.

As soon as we walked in the locker room my eyes automatically went to Adam Burish. He was saying something to Jon. I went over to sit with Pat, while he got ready. My eyes wouldn't leave Burish and Jon. All of a sudden they both looked over at me and Pat. I made eye contact with Burish and he smirked at me. Jon didn't look happy. He finally left Burish and went over to his area to finish getting ready. I got up and went over to him. "Hey." He ignored me. "Jon, What's wrong?" He looked up at me and stood up. As he pushed past me he said: "Burish told me everything that has been going on with you and Patrick." I just stood there in disbelief as he walked away.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Part Two

'Beep,Beep" My alarm clock rang through my ears. I rolled over and reluctantly climbed out of bed. I was freezing and the hot water of the shower felt great. I put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt...the basic attire for coaching. I got in my car, turned the heat on full blast and headed to the rink.

After work I went home and took another shower. I put on a pair of dark Hollister jeans and a sweatshirt, put on some light makeup, kept my hair naturally curly, and left for the mall. After I had shopped around for a couple hours I finally decided on a black evening strapless sequin dress from Betsy Johnson. Simple yet sexy.

The week slowly dragged on and it was finally the night of the annual party. Tristyn got it set up so that I would be going with Jon. The limo was coming at 6:00. It was going to have myself, Tristyn, Jon, Pat, Patrick Sharp, and Adam Burish in it. 3:30 rolled around and I was just getting out of the shower. I threw some random clothes on, got in my car and went to pick up Tristyn. We were going to go get our hair and makeup done. By the time I had dropped her back off at her house and gotten back to mine it was around 5:00. I slipped on my dress, made a few last minute adjustments, slipped on my red heels, grabbed my jacket and clutch and went to go sit on my couch and wait. The limo arrived at 6:15 it was Burish's fault, of course. Coincidentally, I got seated next to Pat with Jon on my right. I could tell this was going to be an interesting night. Pat looked incredible. Don't get me wrong, Jon did too but I just don't like him like that. There was light conversation between everyone in the limo. Finally we were there. I was getting out of the limo and Patrick was the last one behind me. Before I fully got out he leaned over and whispered in my ear. "You look great." "So do you." I replied looking him up and down. I then continued over to Jon. He linked his arm with mine and we started walking in.We all seated ourselves at a table. I purposely avoided sitting next to Pat.

After the coach made some boring speech and a few players were given random mock team awards, dinner was served. Half way through dinner I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom. Before I could make it into the bathroom I felt two arms around my waist. I turned around to Pat's lips against mine. At first I kissed back. His hands roamed around my lower back and ass as he back me into a corner. Once I had cleared my head and actually thought of what I was doing I pushed him off of me. He had a puppy pout face on and I couldn't help but laugh. "We can't do this here Patrick." "I know but, it was worth a shot." "Well unless you want Tristyn to find us and then YOU can tell her what's going on." "Tell me what?" I turned my head and standing there was none other than Tristyn. "Uh...about how erm Jon was saying how much he liked Aiden earlier." Pat quickly replied and she bought it. "Awh! that is so cute. Do you like him Aiden." She asked as Pat wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. I thought to myself for a minute. "Yeah actually I think I do." Patrick glared at me. I just want to make him jealous. Now Jon is a great guy and all but, I don't like him like that and Pat knows that. But, I guess I'm going to Hell anyways so I might as well go all out. "Well if you two would excuse me I was on my way to the bathroom." I went to the bathroom and then came back to the table. As I sat down my hand found it's way to Jon's upper thigh. He had a shocked look on his face but he quickly composed himself.

Later into the evening people had gotten up throughout the night and started dancing. I leaned over to Jon and whispered in his ear. "Want to dance?" He got up, grabbed my waist and brought me to the dance floor. It was rap music playing so I found it necessary to pull my hips in closer to Jon's and move into him. He seemed to like this and also tried pulling me closer. Next thing I know I saw Pat and Tristyn behind Jon's shoulder. He caught my eye and pulled Tristyn as close as he could to her while he placed his hands on her ass. He winked at me. Two can play at this game. I took Jon's hands and slid them down to my butt and grinded onto him even more. He understood what I was getting at and helped along with the process. Soon I turned myself around so that my ass was grinding on his crotch. His hands found there way down from my waist and along my upper thighs. I looked at Pat and winked. Once again he glared at me, he knew I had won this round. Fifteen minutes later Adam Burish walked over to me and Jon. "May I take her for a minute Tazer?" He looked hesitant at first but I nodded. "Sure." He walked away. One of the few slow songs came on as I snaked my hands around Adam's neck and his hands found my waist. Suddenly Adam leaned down to me and whispered something. "I know something is going on between you and Kaner."

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Part one

'Ring,Ring' "Hello?" "Aiden, do you know where Patrick is?" Tristyn asked. I rolled over while Patrick wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to his naked body. "I have no idea, try his cell phone." "I have and he won't answer my calls for some reason." Little did she know, that I was the reason he didn't pick up his phone. Patrick started rubbing his hands along my upper thigh. He knew I was on the phone with my best friend, his girlfriend. He was doing it on purpose. I glared at him, signaling him to stop. Yet, he continued. He started kissing down my neck, I tried to push him away. He just grabbed my hand and held it down so he could finish what he started. Unexpectedly he got on top of me, I was trapped. His hands roamed around my body, while he kissed down my stomach. I knew what he wanted but, I wasn't going to give it to him. To make him wait even longer I started a conversation with Tristyn. "Well I'll call Jonathan and see if he knows where he is. But anyways, what are you up to?" I smirked at Pat. He knew what I was doing. "Oh just looking for my boyfriend and going shopping to get a new dress for the teams annual party next week. You know you really should come, I don't want to be alone. And I'm sure you can go as Jon's date." She replied. Pat was sick of my shit, no more waiting. He knew that I couldn't do much considering I was on the phone. He ran his hands up my legs to my thighs and pushed them apart. He started lowering him self down to me but, stopped and lingered for a second. He looked at me smugly, he knew he was in control now. Then he swiftly went into me. I let out a slight moan. "Aiden? Are you there?" Tristyn asked. "Uh yeah sorry....I uhh zoned out. And yeah I guess I could go to the party with Jon but, I got to go so I'll talk to you later." I rushed. Patrick started going at it faster. "Hm, alright? Bye." She said sounding confused, or maybe even suspicious? I quickly hung up the phone and threw it on the floor. After Pat and I had finished he rolled off me. "You're an asshole you know that?" "You wanted it." He replied while smiling. "That's besides the point, would you like Tristyn to find out?!" "Oh she's not going to." "She better not." Now if you haven't gotten it by now Tristyn and Pat are dating and Tristyn is my best friend. Yeah I know, one big mess. They have been dating for almost a year now and Pat and I have been going behind her back for almost four months. I know it's a shitty thing to do to my best friend but, I couldn't help myself. "Well I'm going to call Jon and pretend I don't know where you are, so things are less suspicious. And you better call Tristyn back, she doesn't seem very happy with you." "Yeah, when is she ever happy with me?" I shrugged and pulled on my jeans and tank top and went in the other room.

After I called Jon and Pat called Tristyn we both got in my car. After making sure that Tristyn wasn't at his apartment I dropped him off and went back to my house. I'm 19 years old and live in an apartment by myself. It had been this way since I was 17. I didn't really mind though. I made my money as a hockey instructor for a boys hockey team. They were between the ages 15-17 and a lot easier to coach than girls. I took a quick shower and ordered a pizza. After I ate I decided to just watch a movie and then sleep. I had to get up fairly early tomorrow for practice and then go buy a dress for the Blackhawk's Annual team dinner and party.